You've started your Ebay business and things are going really well for you. You find that your once part-time position has turned into a full-time position. You have some extra funds and you no longer want to work a full day. Instead, you make a list of things or tasks that you would like to have others handle for you. Now you have your list, but you really don't know where to go next. The important thing isn't just placing an ad just anywhere, but on sites that are spam free and can actually provide talent for the skills you need.
There is a company that offers a unique way to find part-time or full-time talent. Everything is done online. You join for free and then make an agreement with the person you are going to hire and the company takes a small percentage (certainly less than the Ebay fees!) out of the final candidate's payment. The company name is SideSkills. It's a freelance marketplace and a great way to find talent through people you already know and by building a network of other contacts that will help you identify people who are seeking positions within the skill levels you are seeking. The site is easy to use and they offer step by step video tutorials as well to help you get started.
You should check out this site if you are looking for someone to help you in your Ebay business, to help build you a small website to help you get off Ebay or enhance your Ebay business, to help you design a logo, or write articles pointing to your Ebay products and even more. No more spam replies sent to you, only qualified candidates based on your own criteria.